We work hard, empowering our students to make people laugh their asses off.”
-Kickstand Faculty


Register For In PErson & Online Classes HERE - Class descriptions below

Fine print & class pre-requisites for Levels 2-6 at bottom of page—always read the fine print! Each Kickstand Improv Training Center Level consists of 8 fun and focused classes that build off the previous week (Specialty classes may have 6 class sessions)

** Our next class session starts in NOVEMBER/DECEMBER!!


** Kickstand Comedy has transitioned back to in-person classes (with the exception of Jake Noll’s Intro to Stand Up).
**Kickstand Comedy will require ALL in-person: Students, Teachers Aides and Teachers to be fully vaccinated and provide a copy of their Covid-19 vaccination card.
** Students with previous
longform improv exp. are welcome to begin our program in Level 2 Improv - Adv. Scenework
For the safety of our staff, students and community, Kickstand Comedy will be following guidelines and recommendations of the CDC and Oregon Health Authority for high risk areas. Currently are requiring masks and proof of full vaccination against Covid-19 at all indoor events. If Covid-19 risk increases, and indoor gatherings are no longer advised, classes and events will be moved online. We will not be altering our refund policy for Covid-19-related changes. Refunds (minus transaction fees) are available until 10am the day before the first class.

INTRO to Stand up comedy (ONLINE)

Learn the fundamentals of stand up comedy. Join Kickstand's inclusive and supportive comedy training center and pull back the curtain on joke-crafting, finding "the punchline", and structuring jokes to create a cohesive set. Find out how much fun it can be to take your unique point of view and daily observations and turn them into fully fleshed out jokes. 6 Week class with a class show. No experience required, come as you are!

Intro to Stand Up Mondays | 6:30-8:30pm PST | class starts Monday 2/7/22 | taught by Jake Noll

** If class is sold out, to be put on the wait-list for next session email info@kickstandcomedy.org


Learn how to take a funny or interesting idea and mold it into a full comedic sketch! Mine your unique point of view and lived experiences to create comedy gold!

This 6-week in person class is an introduction to the basics of writing sketch comedy for the stage and screen. Using class discussion, watching and dissecting video clips, and through weekly writing assignments, students will come away with a basic understanding of sketch structure, how to collaborate in a “writer’s room”, and gain brainstorming and ideation techniques delving into premise, character, and parody. The class culminates in a live staged reading of your material by professional actors. No experience required, come as you are!

Intro to Sketch Comedy Thursdays | 6:30-9:00pm PST | class starts Thursday 2/10/22 | taught by Michael Zimmer

** If class is sold out, to be put on the wait-list for next session email info@kickstandcomedy.org

KICKSTAND’S six-level improv COMEDY curriculum  

Dive into the world of improv comedy. Sharpen your communication, start listening in new ways, and learn how to create comedic ideas spontaneously, honestly and collaboratively. The Kickstand Philosophy jump-starts your improv journey helping develop your unique voice on and off stage. No experience required, come as you are!

  • Level 1 Tuesdays | 6:30-8:30pm PST | class starts 2/8/22 | taught by Justin Himes

  • Level 1 Wednesdays| 6:30-8:30pm PST | class starts 2/9/22 | taught by Cimberly Nickell

  • Level 1 Sundays| 4:30pm to 6:30pm PST | class starts 2/13/22 | taught by Cimberly Nickell

    ** If classes are sold out, to be put on the wait-list for next session email info@kickstandcomedy.org

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Dive into the world of improv comedy. Sharpen your communication, start listening in new ways, and learn how to create comedic ideas spontaneously, honestly and collaboratively. The Kickstand Philosophy jump-starts your improv journey helping develop your unique voice on and off stage. No experience required, come as you are!

Level 1 Sundays| 1:00-3:00pm PST | class starts TBD | taught by Paul Heredia

Now that you’ve been set up with the tools for successful scene work, it’s time to level-up your performance with Kickstand’s advanced technique adding focus, depth, and richness to your improv. Turn the corner and start identifying what’s truly funny in your scene work and create real characters NOT caricatures. Students with any previous longform improv experience are welcome to register for this class!

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Upgrade your improv brain— and start thinking critically about comedy. Learn to identify pattern, discover connections and execute ideas effectively. Master, and truly understand game of the scene.* Go deeper into “why” things are funny and work to let go of control as you build trust and connection with your classmates on and off stage. Must Have Finished KS Level 2 Improv.

*Game of the Scene is a concept essential to Kickstand’s philosophy, don’t worry we’ll teach you!

  • Level 3 Tuesdays | 6:30-8:30pm PST | class starts 2/8/22 | taught by Dylan Reiff

Serious about getting good at improv? Then it’s time to learn how to do a great Harold! Chicago’s famous longform improv format. The Harold is the CrossFit of improv training. A full body-and-mind workout of essential skills taking themes, characters, and relationships, getting ’em sweating, then adding perspective and connections… Feel the burn. Your improv muscles will get swoll AF. Must Have Finished KS Level 3 Improv.

  • Level 4 Mondays | 6:30-8:30pm PST | class starts 2/7/22 | taught by Roland Mechanik

The Deconstruction or “Decon” is a fantastic improv form that plays with gear-shifting pace, identifying themes, jumping on the first impulse, and building big-time trust with your team. Part armchair psychology, part magic trick, a well performed Deconstruction will identify the baseline truths it can extract from from a single opening improv scene and extrapolate a 30-40 minute set inspired by character flaws, your personal “hot takes”, and a breakneck no-holds barred crescendo called “the run”

Taught by Dylan Reiff, Kickstand Comedy’s Artistic Director. Dylan studied and performed the Deconstruction for many years with famed PDX indie improv team “TUNNEL”. He has also studied under Miles Stroth (The Pack Theater) a founding member of “The Family” who created the Deconstruction under the direction of Del Close.

This is a 6 week Adv. Study Improv Class with a class show. Must Have Finished KS Level 4 Improv.

Taking everything you’ve learned through your first 5 levels at Kickstand, this class pushes students to collaborate with each other at a new level. Build dynamics and relationships with your team as you explore your classes comedic voice with Chris Williams (Broke Gravy), one of Portland's premiere improvisers and teachers who will guide and coach your group as you develop a brand new never-before-seen improv form and perform it at your class show!

Students will learn the give and take necessary to be a member of a successful improv ensemble, while gaining the satisfaction that comes with contributing a new improv form to the ever evolving art and legacy of improv comedy.

This is a 6 week Adv. Study Improv Class with a class show. Must Have Finished KS Level 5 Improv.

The Fine Print

  • We are offering special online rates for our Improv and Stand Up classes while they are offered online

  • Must be 18+ to register for classes.

  • Our improv and stand up classes have a 12 student cap

  • Levels 4 Improv, Intro to Stand Up, and Adv. Harold classes will perform Online Student Showcases.

  • Classes have limited space, register early or ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Kickstand requires all incoming improv students to start in Level 1 or Level 2 (with faculty approval if they have had previous experience in a comparable improv program sharing a similar philosophy to Kickstand). We do this to ensure our students get the most out of our classes and have a shared vocabulary and skill set as their peers.

  • Refunds (minus transaction fees) are available up until 10am the day before your first class.

  • Don't see a class that works for your schedule? Email us at info@kickstandcomedy.org to ask about our waitlist.

  • Holler at info@kickstandcomedy.org if you have any questions.

Scholarship and Internship Programs

In our commitment to removing barriers from art we offer full scholarships and Internships (when we have in-person classes). These programs help us strive for equity and diversity in our classes and on our stage as well as removing or reducing the cost of classes.

Scholarship and Internship spaces are limited. The next round of applications will be open soon.